
started in 2018

The monitoring and the understating of the maritime traffic and their risk influencing factors are important elements for safe and efficient maritime operations. However, the occurrence of several maritime accidents, as well as the recent concerns about illegal and illicit ship operations, have shown that despite the advances in navigational aids and maritime monitoring systems, research on tools for traffic monitoring and maritime risk assessment is still necessary.

The main objective of MoniRisk is to develop an integrated system for traffic monitoring and maritime risk assessment to contribute to the development of a more rational approach to maritime safety, security, and crisis management (i.e., search and rescue, pollution response operations planning) to improve the maritime transportation system in a cost-effective way.


How will it be achieved?

  • MoniRisk will define safe routes and operational profiles for the maritime traffic off the continental coast of Portugal, using own methods of maritime traffic analysis
  • MoniRisk will develop more effective tools to detect abnormal traffic behaviour and collisions
  • MoniRisk will elaborate detailed analyses of important accidental scenarios involving tankers and passenger ships
  • MoniRisk will combine, in probabilistic terms, the influence of relevant external (e.g., weather and traffic conditions, anomalous behaviour of the ships) and internal (e.g., ship type, age, flag, load condition) risk factors to provide a dynamic risk index for individual ships and marine traffic

How will it yield?

The main output of the project is an integrated system prototype for traffic anomaly detection and maritime risk assessment, where:

  • Safe routes and operational profiles of the maritime traffic will increase the efficiency of maritime operations, and after being certified, may become one of the key enablers for future autonomous vessels traffic operations
  • Tools for detecting abnormal traffic behaviour and collisions in real time will support maritime traffic monitoring tasks
  • Detailed analyses of specific accident scenarios will contribute to the development of a new risk-based approach to ship design and operation
  • Dynamic risk index of the maritime traffic will influence ship operators’ decisions and port management as risk considerations can now be included when planning and optimizing their activities

Who will benefit?

The system integrates tools and information related to the maritime traffic that will benefit several maritime stakeholders, such as: maritime administrations, Port State Control, port operators, pilotage services, ships’ owners and operators, among others.


Increase the efficiency and safety of maritime traffic operations 


Integrated system prototype for traffic anomaly detection and maritime risk assessment
